SWP in Mutual Funds – Working, Benefits, and Calculation

Systematic Withdrawal Plan (SWP) is a unique investment strategy offered by mutual funds that allows investors to create a regular income stream while still benefiting from the potential growth of their investment. Whether you are planning for your retirement, need a steady income source, or simply want to diversify your investment portfolio, understanding SWP in mutual funds can be a valuable addition to your financial knowledge. In this blog, we will delve into the workings, benefits, and calculation methods of SWP to help you make informed investment decisions.

How Does SWP Work in Mutual Funds?

SWP is essentially the reverse of a Systematic Investment Plan (SIP). While SIP involves regular investments into a mutual fund scheme, SWP involves regular withdrawals from the same scheme. Here’s how it works:

  1. Choose a Mutual Fund Scheme: Start by selecting a mutual fund scheme that aligns with your investment goals, risk tolerance, and time horizon. Ensure the scheme offers SWP as an option.
  2. Determine Withdrawal Amount and Frequency: You decide how much you want to withdraw periodically (monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, or annually) and instruct the fund house accordingly. The withdrawal amount can typically be a fixed sum or a specific number of units.
  3. Automated Withdrawals: The mutual fund will execute your instructions by selling units of the scheme on pre-defined dates. The proceeds from the sale will be credited to your bank account.
  4. Adjust for Capital Gains Tax: Depending on the tenure of your investment and the prevailing tax laws, you may be liable to pay capital gains tax on the withdrawals. This tax is typically deducted at source by the mutual fund, and the remaining amount is credited to your account.
  5. Monitor and Review: Keep a close eye on your investment and the income generated through SWP. Adjust your withdrawal amount or frequency as needed to meet your financial requirements and account for any changes in your circumstances.

Benefits of SWP in Mutual Funds

1. Regular Income Stream:

SWP provides investors with a steady income stream, making it suitable for retirees or those looking for supplemental income. You can customize the withdrawal frequency and amount to align with your financial needs.

2. Capital Preservation:

Unlike a lump-sum withdrawal, SWP allows you to keep your investments intact while only liquidating a portion to meet your income needs. This can help preserve your capital and continue benefiting from potential market gains.

3. Tax Efficiency:

SWP can be tax-efficient if you plan strategically. Long-term capital gains on equity mutual funds are often taxed at a lower rate than short-term gains. By choosing the right funds and holding your investments for the long term, you can minimize your tax liability.

4. Convenience:

SWP automates the withdrawal process, making it convenient and hassle-free. You don’t need to manually sell units or time the market; the mutual fund takes care of it for you.

5. Diversification:

SWP can be used to create a diversified income stream. You can invest in multiple mutual fund schemes with varying risk profiles to spread your risk and enhance the potential for stable returns.

How to Calculate SWP Amount

Calculating the SWP amount is straightforward, but it’s important to ensure that the amount you choose aligns with your financial goals and the sustainability of your investments. The formula for calculating the SWP amount is as follows:

SWP Amount = (Total Investment Amount × SWP Percentage) / Number of Withdrawals Per Year

  • Total Investment Amount: This is the initial investment you have made in the mutual fund scheme.
  • SWP Percentage: This is the percentage of your total investment that you want to withdraw regularly. For example, if you want to withdraw 5% of your investment annually, SWP Percentage = 5%.
  • Number of Withdrawals Per Year: This is the frequency at which you want to withdraw money (e.g., 12 for monthly, 4 for quarterly, 2 for semi-annually, and 1 for annually).

By plugging these values into the formula, you can determine the SWP amount that suits your financial needs.


Systematic Withdrawal Plans in mutual funds offer a practical way to generate a regular income stream while keeping your investments intact. They provide flexibility, convenience, and the potential for tax efficiency. However, it’s crucial to choose the right mutual fund schemes, carefully plan your withdrawals, and regularly review your investment strategy to ensure that SWP aligns with your financial goals.

Before implementing SWP in your portfolio, consider consulting a financial advisor who can help you assess your specific needs, risk tolerance, and tax implications to create a customized SWP strategy that works for you. Remember that mutual fund investments carry risks, and past performance is not indicative of future results, so diversification and careful planning are key to successful SWP implementation.

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